Motorbike Safaris

Motorbike Safaris, Танзания, Arusha

Биография Motorbike

Motorbike Safaris проживает в городе Arusha, Танзания. Рожден в год Быка по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Рак. В настоящий момент Motorbike 40 лет.

Страна: Танзания
Город: Arusha
Родной город:
Возраст: 40 лет
Дата рождения: 7 июля 1985
Знак зодиака: Рак, год Быка
Семейное положение:

Motorbike пишет о себе

We are on of the rare tour companies that offer you Motorcycle Adventure Tours. Lets face it, we all need some adventure in our lives! Otherwise our lives will have no meaning. We have established Motorcycle Adventure Tours to ensure you accomplish your dream of exploring Africa in your own unique adventurous style. You can also choose to combine Motorcycle Adventure Tours with a safari or mountain trekking. Our safaris include climbing Mount Kilimanjaro,Mount Meru, nature walking, cultural tourism, wildlife adventure safaris, photographic tours and scenic beach holidays. Karanga Adventure Tours & Safaris provide the highest quality service and products for your investment. We offer a variety of tours throughout Tanzania. We guarantee to take you off the beaten track on an itinerary specially designed to allow you to discover the scenic and authentic beauty of Tanzania and meet the local people who readily bring out their natural and enchanting hospitality. Well, this is also your special opportunity to create a cultural exchange with them. Our choice of sites and areas visited were made with the view to give you the best services and most authentic experience. Accommodation varies from hotel to bush camping, which offers you the opportunity to encounter the local inhabitants and the wildlife. However, the safari program is quite flexible and we can tailor it to fit your particular interests and desires so that its design becomes more yours than ours.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Танзания, Аруша, Arusha.

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Однофамильцы Motorbike Safaris

Safaris Peruvian

Перу, Lima

21 августа 1971
Safaris Prime

Великобритания, London

10 января 1984
Safaris Zozo

Руанда, Kigali

1 января 1985
Safaris Lekingdu

Германия, Fulda

21 апреля