Ayd Mahdy, Иордания, Amman

Биография Ayd

Ayd Mahdy проживает в городе Amman, Иордания. Родной город - Gaza, Palestine. Семейное положение Ayd: не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере.

Страна: Иордания
Город: Amman
Родной город: Gaza, Palestine
Дата рождения:
Знак зодиака:
Семейное положение: не состоит в браке, не женат

Ayd пишет о себе

Ayd is a Palestinian refugee from Gaza, who is one of the first-generation volunteers whom founded, and led the success and growth of the non-profit NGO called Trip to Innovation (TTI), an idea accelerator that was founded in 2010 which aims to create a platform to solve youth unemployment by structuring a platform to support “innovation” and “entrepreneurship” among them. TTI - currently operating in Jordan & Palestine - works by providing the youth community with needed tools (knowledge, mentorship, communications, network and guidance) to improve their creative thinking ability and accelerate their business performance and more even their business skills. He also had founded and currently working on mentoring and implementing a new revolutionary platform for youth empowerment and participation, an initiative called Youth Can 2.0, where youth will act and be part of the solution to the issues found in their countries not the problem, along with that he is known for being an extreme activist, and participant of great added value in many global conferences and training seminars that addresses the topics of: conflict resolution and peacebuilding through dialogue and non-violence means, Education, building business & social entrepreneurship cultures, Youth empowerment and capacity building, as well as woman empowerment and gender inequality issues. Aside from his activism, he is creative analytical IT expert, with a bachelor degree in computer engineering from the university of Jordan with many honors on both local and global levels.


Technology Innovation & Creativity Entrepreneurship & Social Entrepreneurship Women & Youth Empowerment & Capacity Building Education Peace Building and Conflict Resultion


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Иордания, Амман, Amman.

Среднее образование:

Высшее образование:


University of Jordan الجامعة الأردنية, Иордания, Amman

Факультет: Engineering and Technology (الهندسة وتكنولوجيا)

Кафедра: Computer Engineering (هندسة الحاسوب)

Статус: Выпускник (бакалавр), Очное отделение

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Однофамильцы Ayd Mahdy

Mahdy Salah

Египет, Cairo

12 сентября 1972
Mahdy Mido

Египет, Sharm el-Sheikh

2 мая 1990
Mahdy Ahmed

Турция, İstanbul

17 сентября 1993
Mahdy Samir

Египет, Ismailia

28 октября 1997