Evie Frye, Великобритания, London

Биография Evie

Evie Frye проживает в городе London, Великобритания. Родной город - Crawley. Знак зодиака Скорпион. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о родственниках.

Страна: Великобритания
Город: London
Родной город: Crawley
Дата рождения: 9 ноября
Знак зодиака: Скорпион
Семейное положение:

Evie пишет о себе

Early life: Evie was born four minutes before her brother Jacob. Due to their mother Cecily's death after childbirth, the twins were raised by their grandmother in Crawley until the age of six, after which they were trained by their father, Ethan Frye, in the ways of the Assassins. Evie relished in her father's lessons and gravitated in planning and research on the Brotherhood, and the Pieces of Eden, unlike the carefree Jacob. In her teenage years, Evie used her skills to spy upon Ethan and his father's friend George Westhouse's conversations about the Brotherhood and would relay this information to her brother. Early in her career as an Assassin, Evie assassinated her first target, an abusive mill owner who refused to provide adequate wages to his workers. The mill owner was eventually replaced by an Assassin. After their father's death in 1868, the twins coordinated with George Westhouse in Croydon, to remove the Templar threat of Rupert Ferris and David Brewster. Having her research and plans for her attack on a Starrick and Co. train yard, Evie deployed a diversion by detaching the train's carriages to infiltrate Brewster's laboratory and recover a Piece of Eden from him and the Templar occultist Lucy Thorne. Upon gaining access to the laboratory, Evie assassinated Brewster, who was experimenting with the artifact on a machine and destabilizing it, causing the machine to malfunction and explode. She later returned to Westhouse and Jacob to report her accomplishment. The twins shared impatience on traveling to London, an idea which Westhouse disagreed, warning the siblings that it was not Ethan's wish for them. Adamant to continue her father's legacy, Evie accompanied Jacob in hitching a train heading to London. Personality and characteristics: A true tactician and firm believer in the teachings of the Brotherhood, Evie took to the lessons of her father in a way that her brother did not, being more studious and more interested in the lore and history of the Assassins. She was also very reverent of her father, often citing his teachings and using them to criticize Jacob's actions. She planned her missions carefully and patiently, considering every angle to ensure the best chance of success. Sometimes, this worked against her, as it meant that she was slow to act.


* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Великобритания, Англия, London.


Cecily Frye, отец/мать
Ethan Frye, отец/мать
Jacob Frye, брат родился 9 ноября, знак зодиака Скорпион

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Однофамильцы Evie Frye

Frye Jacob

Великобритания, London

дата рождения не указана

Frye Jacob

Великобритания, London

28 декабря 1985
Frye André

США, Philadelphia

23 сентября 1990
Frye Evie

Гана, Cape Coast

17 октября 1997