Yashavantha пишет о себе
How do you define yourself? Can you define yourself without using definitions, ideologies, belief systems and the established symbolic protocols instilled upon you by others? When one is free from all the characterizations and interpretations that have been imposed upon you throughout your life what remains? Will you find what and who you are when the noise of the outside world subsides?
Once my best friend said " you're a schizophrenia ! " yes..yes.. she was right :P The mind is a market place where you'll find many voices! ...many do's and dont's ...so its hard to describe myself :)
Active meditation.
Ayurveda, Traditional Massage
Chakra breathing
TA psychology, child psychology, Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle
Reuse, Reduce, Recycle
Fair trading
Progressive education
Learn by Doing and Learn by Discovery.
I found....
Simple and subtle things in life amuse me, the fresh Smell of cold air
Smell of old book
Smell of rain water
Smell of new dress
smell of flowers, fruit, different leaves
smell of fresh coconut oil
Enjoy sharing thoughts with people, Have a crazy laugh
Hopeless optimistic.
Pretty delightful in the morning
Intense love for chocolate
Love physical activity
Two wheeled transport is near and dear to my heart.
Absolutely love to travel to new places
Enjoy learning about different lifestyles
wild life
watching clouds
fish, marine life
Wild animals
hiking, trekking, jungle, caving, Camping, Tribes, Beach, scuba diving, swimming, in-line skating, Biking, Astronomy, Electronics, Nature